Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Uh-oh..harder to list on eBay for 2-computer people?

I got this message logging in to eBay from my laptop today.

My first reaction was, oh no, is it now going to be
a hassle to list stuff
on eBay from my laptop,
which I do a lot?

Dear Julia L. Wilkinson:            

We would like to tell you about a new security initiative. To

help protect the Community against
fraudulent access to our members� accounts, eBay has

started noting which computers members
typically use to conduct their buying and selling activity.

Sometime this summer, eBay will begin checking to ensure

you are logging
in from the same machine you have successfully used

previously, whether it is a home or
business computer. If you attempt to list an item from

a different computer � for example, from a PC
you are borrowing in a hotel or library � eBay will

ask you to confirm your identity.

The best way to confirm your identity is to choose

an automated phone call � either now, or in
2 minutes -- that eBay will make to the number you

have registered with us. The phone call will
provide you with a PIN number to use to complete

the confirmation process. This allows the system
to confirm it is really you logging in to list items.

If this is not possible, we will provide alternatives

such as confirming through
Live Chat or receiving a call to a new number.

These alternate methods will require you to

provide more information (such as your secret

question answer).

Most sellers will need to confirm their identity

infrequently. By making sure you have a current

phone number and a secret question and answer

on file with eBay, you can help ensure this

authentication process goes quickly and smoothly.

Have a cell phone? Registering it could save you time
If you carry a mobile phone, we encourage you to add

this number as a secondary phone number in your

registration details, so that we can reach you when

you are away from your business or residence where

you normally use your trusted computer. Your

secondary number will not be shared with other

members and will be treated in accordance with

our Privacy Policy.

Please take a minute to

[link to update your contact information]

Note: The PayPal Security Key provides additional

protection for your account.
Order and activate the Security Key on your eBay

account if you would like an alternative
way to confirm your identity.


eBay Trust and Safety Department

1 comment:

  1. Actually, reading this makes me feel a bit better about this. I typically only operate on two PCs within the same home, so I wasn't sure if this would be relevant to me or not, but now that I see how they're implementing it, I'm not too worried.
    The call sounds like a click-to-call procedure, which I'm fine with. I thought it would just be some random call, with an unfamiliar number that I likely wouldn't answer. It's also great to see that there will be alternatives.
    That e-mail you received made me go from worrying about this a little to, as someone who's had their account hacked once, feeling pretty good about it. Thumbs up!
