Saturday, December 8, 2018

Someone Could Make a Fortune Making Eyeglasses that Don't Break

I've had many, many eyeglasses over the years. Sooner or later (usually sooner), they all break. The lens falls out or one of the sides of the glasses gets bent or comes off.

I even paid $400 for a pair of wire-framed glasses at a shop that you walked into right after your eye appointment, and one of the lenses fell oout the *next day*!

I took them back and they fixed them, but it wasn't long before they broke again.

Please, could someone please make glasses that don't fall apart? You'd make a ton of money.

I Just Got Five Notifications on My Smartphone that Chief of Staff John Kelly is resigning by the end of 2018

In case you missed it, or I should say, in case I missed it, I just got five notifications on my iPhone that White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly will leave his position by the end of the year. They came from CNN, then The Washington Post, then Yahoo News, then USA Today. I guess none of the major news outlets can be outdone when it comes to instant notifications of breaking news.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Chipotle Runs out of Beer - Why?

The other day, I went to my local Chipotle on my way home from work, as I am wont to do, to get a burrito and a Modelo Negro (that's dark beer, to you...I got sold on it one day when they ran out of Corona).

Turns out they had run out of beer...all beer.  I was worried this day would come, because some day earlier I had heard the checkout lady say they only got deliveries of beer every so often.  Could it have been once a month?  No, it couldn't be that infrequently, I would think...but I don't know.

Chipotle, what's the deal?  Why would you want to get such infrequent deliveries of beer?

Well, I took my burrito to go, so I could drink it with a beer at home.  They just lost a beer sale. How many other beer sales are they missing out on when this happens?  I'm just sayin'.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Sunday, September 30, 2018

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