Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ztail Makes It Super Easy to List on eBay

I've found a new tool that makes it as easy as anything I've found to list items on eBay. It's called Ztail, at, and it draws product data and images from online databases for many existing products (and even products that are some years old) and plunks it into your listing.

So far I've used it to list (and sell) a 2-3 year old Canon Lide scanner, and I currently have up for sale a Conair hair straightener. I'm going to use the Ztail code to cut and paste the auction below...let me give this a shot...hang on here:

Conair Infiniti 208 Hair Designer Styler / Dryer

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right now on eBay


This item is currently for sale. Click below to bid or learn more!

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This listing created for FREE in less than 1 minute with Ztail.


  1. Thanks for the info. Am enjoying reading your blog and it often makes me smile :-)
