Saturday, September 2, 2006

Amazon's new aStores has a new feature called aStores.  It's in beta now, so I went ahead and created a store using my associates account.

I have to say, they've made it very easy to create...just a few clicks, and enter the isbn number or numbers of the books you want to sell, and whoop -- there it is.

I have not been able to successfully embed the thing into the sidebar of this blog may not be doable.  Here is the link to the store:

Julia's new Amazon aStore

Let's see if I can embed it here within this post:

Whoops!  I guess not..I tried it and half of the store or so got cut off...well, we'll just have to tinker with it.

Anyway, I think this is going to be a good thing for amazon, as it will encourage people to sell books within the amazon e-commerce system directly from their own web sites.

I'll keep an eye on my aStore, and see how its sales compare to other venues, as time goes on.

(Hey! Typepad! Is there a way to embed one's aStore into one's blog as a TypeList)

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