Thursday, December 11, 2014

I've just updated one of my best-selling ebooks, "Flip It Again"! It's now "20 Common Items You Can Sell (and Resell) for $50 and Up," not just 10 items.

You can read more and buy it at this page.

Here's more info about it, from that page:

NEW! Flip It Again, Version 2.0: 20 Common Items You Can Sell (and Resell Again and Again) for $50 & Up

Make money with Yard Sales
Things you can sell, and resell, again and again, is back and updated, with 10 new items!
Sure, you're out there at the sales, looking for those special one-off items that the other sellers haven't seen yet. But wouldn't it be nice to find a steady stream of items that sell for decent profits -- as in $50 and up -- on a regular basis, and not have to be in line at 4 a.m. the morning a sale starts to get to them?
After 12 years of selling online, I've developed a roster of all-star, "under the radar" items that are often passed over by other sellers. Some of them are unassuming looking, others are more in-your-face, but they are my favorite things to find and sell again and again and again.
I've thought off and on over the years of compiling them into one ebook, but was hesitant to divulge all these gems in one place. But then I realized there are plenty of sales to go around and I want to share these tips with my loyal readers, and attract even more readers. 
So now, for the first time, you can find out about these items. Things like:
I have seen this particular item at sales too many times to count, and also sold it more times than I can remember. It's one of my all-time favorite things to buy and resell, and for whatever reason, it's often left behind at estate and yard sales.
I'll show you what it is, how to recognize it on the shelf, and break down what versions of it sell for the most money.
This shiny red thing I have found anywhere and everywhere -- including at small curbside sales I normally would have passed over. Despite its bright redness, it often goes unpicked at many a shop and sale.
solid information about what to buy at yard sales
It's part of a genre of items which I will discuss, and what the rules of thumb are to reselling many things of this type for the most money. New Items Include:
Frequent Flips - yard sales
  • It's clear, it's beautiful, and it's known to sport a bird on top, but not always. It's highly collectible. The most rare and desirable ones recently sold on eBay for around $250 - $800. You may not find those, but you are likely to find, like me, versions of this that go for just under $50 to around $100. I'll tell you the places to look for it, including one place a lot of people don't think to or like to go. But once you realize where, you'll realize what a no-brainer it is. I'll also tell you about another thing like it to keep an eye out for, which also has a distinctive shape. And what could the Taj Mahal have to do with it? and find out! 
  • This next thing is really a type of thing. And I find them everywhere. They don't require scanners, unless you really feel like it; they always are worth reselling for me. There's just one disctinction that separates the "buys" from the "nahs" on these items, and it's super easy to suss out! (Well, ok, sometime you may need to look close up). I find them in a lot of places, un-picked, but I'll tell you where all to look. 
  • This next thing is another type of thing. Meaning you can find them in every type of usual sourcing venue. I can and I do! I'll tell you what they are, and why sometimes even their "old school" counterparts are worth grabbing. 
  • Then there are all the old favorites, including:
  • It's blue, it's "big," and it's highly collectible. The oldest ones recently sold for $300 - $810 on the 'Bay. You may not make that kind of dough on every one of these bad boys, but you can reasonably expect to make $35-$50 for many of the ones you are likely to find. It caters to a huge group of people, and that helps its popularity. I'll tell you where I've found it most often, and under what circumstances it's not worth plunking down your hard-earned jack. 
  • It's large...but not so large you can't haul it to your car without help. It comes with a little something extra...I'll tell you where to look for it and what it means for the price you'll get for this oversized gem.
  • Because of their design, these are tough to miss at a sale. And yet I have time and time again seen them sitting there on shelves, brightly colored wallflowers. What to look for in them so you can sell them for $79 - $495.
  • Plus much more. And let's not forget it will also show you how you can... Make money flipping *this* book again and again, with the "Flip It Again" affiliate program.
"Flip It Again" is just $24.98...less than half the profit you will likely make if you find even one of these items. Don't you owe it to yourself to invest that amount to gain another sellers' knowledge from 12 years of experience selling on eBay and (more recently) on

All From the publisher of the Yard Salers newsletter and author of the award-winning eBay Price Guide (named Best of Reference 2007 by the New York Public Library).

CLICK HERE to purchase the ebook and download it instantly!