Yard Salers: Feb 13: 1st Flip of the Week Contest Results
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Hello, all!
The "Flip of the Week" contest seems to have struck a chord with you guys --
I got quite a few entries! They're great stuff, and I'll share them with you
here. As always, it's hard to choose a winner. But not to worry, there will be
other chances to win every week.
I hit a few good estate sales this past week and picked up some good high-end
clothing, including four St. John brand pieces and a pair of Ferragamo shoes in
the box. However, the bad news is I did not get out to the offline auction
house. A confluence of events, including our car having a myriad of problems and
being stuck in the shop all week, conspired. But not to worry..I vow to get
there as soon as I can and to bring back my experiences to you.
In other news, some eBay sellers are talking about boycotting the week of
Feb. 18-25. But I was just reading some of the Feedback board and some folks
were saying they didn't think it would make any difference. So, next week should
be interesting.
I forgot to mention that last week I was interviewed by Fortune Small
Business for the article "EBay fee hike sparks seller rebellion - EBay's new fee
structure has small stores fearful about their survival" -- if you want to see
the piece go here:
If you didn't get a chance to email me your recent good flip to
juliawilk@aol.com or last week's contest, you can try again this week! Please
mention what the item is, what you paid for it, and what you sold it for. A
photo would be great too, if you can swing it. But not mandatory. I'll feature
one flip per week.
Now let's get to it!
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In This Issue:
Flip of the Week Contest Entries
2) Reader Mail
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1) Flip of the Week Contest Entries
Hi Julia,
I've been a long-time subscriber to your newsletter and always enjoy it.
Thanks. My latest good flip was a vintage/60's Jantzen bathing suit that I
snagged from a Goodwill salesgal's hand before she could hang it on the rack. It
looked like new and I knew I could make something on it at their $2 price. After
researching on ebay a bit I decided to not get greedy and try to turn it over
quickly. So I listed it in my store for $49.99. Well I guess maybe I priced it
too low because it sold within 2 days. Nice profit though, wish all could turn
out that way.
I'll start running more auctions I think after the fee rates changes. I'm not
too upset by them. Getting free gallery pix goes a long way. The negative
feedback ban is another story, I haven't had to use it much but the No Pay
Bidders are coming more frequently and I can't see how we are to warn other
sellers about them after it goes into effect.
The item number on that sale is 310018825932 sold Jan 31. My ebay ID is
Pandora99...Tricia's eTreasures is my store name.
Happy ebaying!

Hey Pat!
Thanks so much for the great entry!
What a great item and photo. I love the old fashioned style. I wonder if the
person who bought it collects Jantzens, or planned to wear it?
One of my first "grown up" bathing suits was a Jantzen..lol.
Thanks again for sharing. I'd like to use your letter and the photo in the
next issue. I'll use your ebay id, store name and first name, but not last name
or other info.
Good luck in the contest! :)
My most recent fun flip was a crate of Fine Woodworking magazines that I
purchased for $16 at a FOL [Friends of Library] book sale. I lotted them in
consecutively dated groups of 8-14 and started them all at $9.99. Three of 10
lots failed to sell but the 7 that did sell sold for a total of around $120. I'm
sure the other three will sell for at least $10 each, bringing my total for my
$16 purchase to at least $150.
I do not have photos of the magazines. I'm sorry. This is the type of item
that doesn't need a photo if it is described well. People are buying it for the
content, not necessarily its appearance.
Hi Pamela,
A great find indeed! Fine Woodworking is a very in-demand periodical. Another
one that sells well is Architectural Digest. National Geographic can also be
sold in "runs" (sets of a year or more).
Don't worry about not having a photo..you're right, it's not always
necessary. In fact more and more now I am trying to get away without one and
posting "photo upon request" in my auctions.
The idea being, of course, that I can get more listed that way, and then when
someone is interested and wants a photo, I can always add one later.
Thanks again for sharing! Julia
I sold this last night.... ebay item #190194904828
[Note from Julia - it is a Fenton milk glass hobnail pitcher, and sold for
It came in a box lot full of glassware we paid 1.00 for at a local auction
I hope I did this right LOL....I love reading your newsletter. Thank you,
Trish http://stores.ebay.com/Treasures-from-Trish?refid=store
Hey Trish!
Thanks so much!
That is a really gorgeous pitcher..congrats! I'll put it in the entry bin. :)
If anyone out there wants to write a guest article about Fenton glass for
Yard Salers, please let me know.:) juliawilk@aol.com.
Hi Julia,
Just wanted to share a recent sale that really surprised me! I bought a
textbook @ a local Friends of the Library sale on Sports Medicine. I don't
usually do textbooks & this is not my area of expertise, but it was newly
published (2007) & in brand new condition, so I thought I'd take a chance.
Well, it sold for $85.00!!! I don't use any of those book pricing things
(consider this cheating & amateurish), just relying on my gut (& a long
career of book buying/selling/reading), & it paid off!
So let your readers know that they don't need the fancy gadgetry...just trust
your instincts!
Hi Kathlyn,
Thanks for your great entry! Textbooks are some of my favorite kind of books
to sell. The key is..as you found..finding new or almost new ones (with a few
exceptions like collectible ones).
I agree w/ you on scanners...I don't like using them and feel silly doing
so..not that I can say never would, but I seem to be doing fine w/o them.
Thanks again!
Hi! Just writing to share my modest success about 10 days ago. Normally, I
sell books, but from time to time I go trawling in different waters. I bought a
1940's Brazilian fishing scene, a framed tourist-type photo that was color
enhanced. My investment was 10 minutes digging in some Salvation Army discards
for this $1.99 find. Selling price was $26.00...sold to a Parisian buyer, no
less. Arrived there safely to a happy customer!

Hi Chrysanthe!
That is a very charming picture indeed! A nice find..congrats. I have been
looking at thrift shops for good art but not found anything I liked yet. This is
a reminder to keep looking. :)
Thanks again for entering and good luck in the contest!
Ok, those are all great flips. But this next one is so pretty and sold for
such a profit that I just had to name it...Flip of the Week. And the winner is..
You were asking for good "flips"; here is one we did awhile ago that we
particularly enjoyed.
Jugtown Ware Pitcher, Bowl & Platter - Marked
PITCHER: Stands 10 1/2 Inches Tall - Mouth Is 6 Inches; Base Is 4 1/2 Inches
In Diameter.
Color Is Brown, With Spatterings Of Orange And Varied Shades Of Orange. Great
Condition - No Chips Or Cracks.
BOWL: Stands 5 Inches Tall; Base Is 3 Inches In Diameter. Top Is 12 Inches In
Diameter. Same Color And Markings As Pitcher. Has Small Glaze Chip On Rim Of
PLATTER: Stands 1 1/2 Inches Tall, 14 1/2 Inches In Diameter. Good Condition.
One Glaze Chip On Base Of Rim - Not Visible When Sitting.
One Glaze Chip At Top Of Rim, That Is Darkened With Age. Worn Surface Of
Platter From Movement Of Bowl & Pitcher, I Would Presume.
All Have Jugtown Ware Mark Surrounding A Jug.
Shipping Wt. Approx. 12.5 Lbs. Including Box And Padding.
Bought for $2 and sold it at auction (on eBay) for $ 685. Photo is attached.
Good Collectible Hunting, and Good Reading,
Phil Keener of Keener Books & Keener Stuff
Visit us at: www.KeenerBooks.com
Carrying all types of Used, Rare, and Out-of-Print Nonfiction, and
Specializing in Books relating to Food, Fine Dining and Entertainment

Congrats, Phil! Please email me your address so I can send you the signed
book. juliawilk@aol.com.
Everyone, keep those entries coming for next week!
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2) Reader Mail
Drive an insane amount of traffic to your site for
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Our friend Bob B. wrote in again with a great tip for those of us looking at
reselling art. I'll let him say it. Thanks so much for the heads up on this
site, Bob!
Subject: Interactive site that explains Lithographs, Etching, Screen Print,
Woodcut with examples
Came across it accidentally. Don't know if you ever mentioned it in your
It really helped me understand the differences.
Bob B
I have read your newsletter for sometime now and enjoy it
immensely. There has been a lot of great info on buying and selling for both
yard sales and ebay.
I personally believe that the good old days of an auction style format for
ebay are over. I loved being able to list my antique and collectible items for
auction and then watch as it gained watchers, bids and then the sale. Some items
sold others didn't, some far exceeded my expectations and others tanked. It was
an Auction. I enjoyed receiving and sending personal emails to and from the
buyers about the goods I offered up for their pleasure.
eBay has become a big venue for nothing more than retail products, with
buyers that think they hold the winning deck in their hands. I sell from a web
site, going on 8 years now and I have far more problems with ebay sales and
shipping than my site. I even receive wonderful emails from people who have
visited my site and love to just look. Ebay on the other hand sends me screaming
out the door in an attempt to shake off the attitude that I as a seller am out
there to get them. It has become a negative game I no longer want to play.
The new feedback system is all wrong, it has been from the start. It has been
used as leverage for buyers to use and abuse you as a seller and ebay in
general. I was taught in business, the buyer is always right and I treat any
problem this way. Ebay has forgotten that the sellers on eBay are the customers
first, ebay's customers and we are right.
I truly think that my days of selling on ebay are over, I'm going back to
doing flea markets and trade shows.
Bonnie @ www.bonnies-treasures.com
Hi Bonnie!
Thanks so much for your letter! I'd love to use it in my newsletter. If I use
your link, maybe it will get u a few more customers, too? Plus I think it will
be great encouragement to other sellers to start their own sites.
It is disheartening what eBay is doing..and I so agree..sellers *are* eBay's
customers! I am not ready to leave eBay yet, tho...I am hoping with enough
feedback they will change their feedback policy. We'll see how things shake out
in the weeks and months ahead.
Thanks again for writing, and I hope you keep reading Yard Salers in any
I just got this note about a new site called Hoobly, which I just glanced at
but haven't really monkeyed around seriously with yet. It sounds like a neat
idea tho..kind of a mashup between mapquest and craigslist. Check out this
I read your quote in Fortune Small Business and some of the reader comments
to the changes at eBay on your blog and thought maybe you and your readers would
be interested in learning more about some of the sites that are attempting to
capitalize on the company's obvious transition period with innovative platforms
of their own.
Hoobly.com is a relatively new offering that was founded in 2003. Hoobly
provides users with a site that combines the power of a free online marketplace
with dynamic local searches. The Hoobly "Radius Search" allows users to set
their home zip code and search listings geographically by �zooming in� and
�zooming out� by mileage to search intuitively. Unlike most sites, where users
have to contend with scattered listings posted by sellers located miles apart
from one another, Hoobly�s virtual marketplace allows consumers to conduct their
shopping just like they would anywhere else, by starting closest to home and
moving out as other search criteria (price and availability) comes into play.
More information on the Hoobly Radius Search follows in the press release below.
You can also check it out for yourself at www.hoobly.com.
Right now the site does admittedly have a number of pet-related listings, but
category listings are expanding across the board.
Please let me know if you have any questions or are interested in any
additional information.
Best regards, April
*** end of Reader Mail **
Do you like this newsletter? Please forward it (in its entirety) to a friend!
Just go to http://www.yardsalers.net and see the "Subscribe" box on top.
**Don't have five minutes to read the newsletter now? Print it out and read
[For more writing and photos throughout the month, check out Julia's
bidbits blog at http://juliawww.typepad.com/bidbits/.]
New! Includes 100 easy-to-find books that
sell for $30 and up. $49.99 annually or $19.99 for individual issues.
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That's it for this issue. Until next time! - Julia
Questions about My eBooks Ordering
You can certainly purchase from me directly, as can anyone. Most of my ebooks
are now available via the website's bookstore at www.yardsalers.net/bookstore.
Any others you have questions about, all you have to do is email me and let me
know which ebook(s) you want, if you are a subscriber and thus eligible for the
discount, and then PayPal me to my PayPal id at juliawilk@aol.com. I'll be
tweaking and updating the ebooks page on my web site soon.
Do you have a Flip of the Week? I'd love to hear about it! Email me at
juliawilk@aol.com and let me know.
Nonfiction Books that
Sell for $50 - $250 on eBay:
Buy Now
I am always open to reader articles, so if you want to write about something
relating to yard sale-ing and eBaying, just flag me down! I will of course give
you credit, using your eBay ID, web site, or any other contact info.
eBooks by Julia L. Wilkinson:
[All my ebooks are offered at 1/2 price from
their regular prices to the subscribers of this newsletter. If interested in any
of them, please email me at juliawilk@aol.com.]
- How to Spot Fakes: email me!
Blogs, Blogs, and More Blogs
Check out My amazon.com Author Blog
Those of you who just can't get enough of my writing (are there any of you?)
will be happy to know I now have a new blog on amazon.com. Amazon.com has
created an "author blog" tool for authors to...well, blog. You'll see it if you
bring up either of my books on the amazon site, but for good measure, it's at:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1593270550. (Scroll down to "amazonConnect").
My TypePad Blog, "Bidbits"
You can also check out my typepad blog, "bidbits": bidbits
Do you have your copy of Julia's book, eBay Top 100 Simplified Tips &
It's available on amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com. If you do want to order
the book, I'd appreciate if you'd support Yard Salers and eBayers by using my
affiliate link below.
ebay top
Copyright 2007 Julia L.
Thank you for subscribing to Yard Salers. Yard Salers email newsletter may be
freely distributed in its entirety, so please pass it on. You may reprint any of
the articles in this newsletter for any purpose as long as no portion of the
article is modified without permission, and this tagline is included:
Salers, www.yardsalers.net
Publisher, Julia Wilkinson, author of the
award-winning "eBay Price Guide." and "What Sells on eBay for What"
No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval
system, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Yard Salers makes diligent efforts to obtain accurate and timely information.
However, Yard Salers disclaims any liability to any party for any loss or damage
caused by errors or omissions in Yard Salers, whether or not such errors or
omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause.